Heart Healing
Speaking up. Something I had to do.
I know what it’s like to speak up to a loved one. I went through the loss and times of sorrow. I was angry and broken. I came to the end, and reached the point to where help was needed. Counseling, support groups, education and lots of prayer. I cried out for help. And it was messy.
I was encouraged that the scriptures say, “”Make peace, not ‘keep peace”.
People did not understand (they cannot see it all and may even encourage the person that I was the problem- trying to change them). I could not watch the slide of sickness from poor decisions that was killing me too. Then I was being told I was not a good Christian witness. I had to make tough decisions, but it was really out of my hands, it was over.
I took time for healing, education, ministry, prayer, and with Godly advisors, I found a way through this wilderness of pain. There are answers.
It can be a lot of work to heal, but it is worth it in God.
Not just a survivor, through God you can overcome and thrive. I help others now.
So speak up in love, and do not ignore things to keep peace. Make peace.
Thank you, God.
And thank you dear family, dear friends, and advisors, you loved me to life again, walking with me and gave me hope in the process.
We can love people to life as I was helped. There is hope for healing. In it all, I am honored that I can help others through mentoring and teaching.
Dream Big Again.